Thursday, October 3, 2013

Perverts In a Circus....

Once in a while, we may chance upon a workplace that leaves a lasting impression on our souls.

A place that is more than just an office we drive to every morning.

A place that is more than just a desk, a chair and a computer that we use to complete what is needed of our jobs.

A place that is more than just four walls of salary giving space.

A place that when we leave, we leave a part of us there.

A place that gave us memories to last a lifetime.

A place where the memories are not work-related, but life experiences that make us who we are.

A place we make friends for life. And not just weekdays 9 to 5 ones.

I chanced upon such a place recently. I spent a whole year there. Just a year some may say. Not even enough to create anything worthwhile. Au contraire folks. Au contraire.

Work-wise, it was a stepping stone of sorts, albeit there were ups and downs.

But more importantly, it was the non-related work stuff that stuck to me with memories that will live on long after i stepped out for good.

Career-wise, i'm in a better place now. A place I never thought I would be at, but opportunity came knocking, I grabbed it and I couldn't be happier.

But speaking of the past one year, it has been one interesting and crazy journey.

I made friends who I believe will stay on in my heart forever.

Beautiful people with beautiful hearts.

The first time I set foot into that place, I felt a sense of foreboding.

Is this really where I wanted to be? Will these people accept my eccentricities?

The first couple of weeks I kept mostly to myself, joining in a little joke here and there, trying to blend in.

After a few weeks, somehow, everything just fell into place. Suddenly we were bonding and I felt at home.

Lunches, tea breaks were spent with them, laughing, exchanging life stories.

And then something unexpected happened. Perhaps it was 'rezeki kerja tempat baru' or perhaps it was just already written to happen that way.

My long-time boyfriend of 5 years proposed and an engagement date was set.

And then the wedding preparations began. Of course, these beautiful people were there for most of the psychotic rantings, temper tantrums, card designing, clothes picking, souvenir selections, bla bla bla.

In fact, one of them even hooked me up with her tailor.

And they were all in favour of the mafia wedding theme, especially this one dude who sat next to me.

The wedding came, and most of them were there, decked out like mafias, happily snapping away photos to record the memorable day.

These people were like family to me.

From one guy who loves P.Ramlee to another one who continuously blasts rock kapak songs on his computer, to one who became my IT run-to guy, to a woman who was ever-willing to hear me rant whatever the rants are about, to a guy I run to whenever I hit a snag with my writing, to one who is always ready for a karaoke-night out, to one who insists on calling me Puan the minute I tied the knot, to one who was always ready with pervert jokes, to one dude who constantly insists he is able to discuss Victoria's Secret's lingerie line, and to a HR manager who was more like a big sister than anything else.

More than that, they were just beautiful people I can't picture my life without.

How do I repay their kindness in offering me their friendships?

I honestly don't even know where to begin but I thought a blog post, after a long hiatus, will be a good start.

I love you guys. Now and forever. We've been called a circus, but we know that this was one cool circus!

Long live budak-budak senget!