Friday, March 30, 2012

Still Not So Royal, After All....

I guess some people never learn. That's what happens when you disregard those who critique you and generally label them as haters. For it was the great Victorian author Samuel Butler who said, “The truest characters of ignorance are vanity and pride and arrogance.”  

As for me, it's not like I go in search of nonsense, but last night, somehow, it just plopped itself before my eyes and before I knew it, I had more proof that some people just refuse to accept their station and behave accordingly.

If you recall, about two weeks ago, my blog went viral because of a posting I made entitled Not So Royal After All. If you're new to my blog, read it here. But for those of you who know what I'm talking about, let me just say that, the update is simply Still Not So Royal After All.

Last night, I was on Twitter. And I happened to land on you-know-who's twitter page. Lo and behold, something else was brewing as he attempted another one of his 'mesra rakyat' efforts. Let's look on the bright side first. I applaud his initiative to reach out to his followers. They ask him lots of questions, ranging from what is his favourite food, to whether he is a fan of Justin Bieber.

I am not a Bieber fan myself, pretty sure a lot of people aren't either. And the way he answered that question was very diplomatic and good. He doesn't like Bieber and he simply answered that question with a “Not Quite”. However, if only he would have practiced that same method with another question, we all wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't have had the burning urge to write this post and you would probably be reading about how much I can't stand people who double park for no valid reason. But, things took a nasty turn last night and here we are today.

Last night, at approximately 1am, someone tweeted the Crown Prince of Johor (Tengku Mahkota Johor) who shall be referred to as TMJ from this point onwards, asking a rather out-of-place question. But then again, everyone has the right to ask whatever they want. As someone in a higher position, he should have known how to answer difficult questions. Although I do not know why it was even considered a touchy subject but it sure brought out the un-royal side of him.

Here's the question, and the answer given by TMJ:

And from there, the situation just spiralled downwards. Take a look at the tweets below, listed chronologically as they appeared last night.

For those of you who are not familiar with how Twitter works, here's what transpired. Someone asked if TMJ ever thought of meeting t a local actress Neelofa (currently of Azura 2012 fame) someday. TMJ replied “Hell no”. Now my question is why was he able to be diplomatic when someone asked him about Bieber, but failed to exercise the same diplomacy when it came to Neelofa? After that, the same person who asked about Neelofa went on to ask something totally unrelated (or was it?). She wanted to know what is on his wish list. TMJ obliged with an answer, and said “To be with my Ellie now and achieving my goals.” Good answer. However the person who asked did not know who he meant by Ellie. And asked him to explain. He responded by asking her to ask others. (For those of you who don't know, Ellie is the nickname of TMJ's other half, Fazura.) It could have ended there. The questions were already going in a different direction. He could have been the bigger person and kept on answering other tweets from other people asking him about various aspects of his life. But where would the fun have been in that, right? Why not say something provocative and make more people lose respect in him? So he added this, “By the way I hate Neelowhatever girl you mention just now.” Ignore the glaring grammatical mistakes, although if you're anything like me, even that is enough to make you grit your teeth in utter frustration. Back to the point, the girl was already done with the Neelofa thing, she was already moving on to other questions however TMJ, portraying no sense of being a bigger person whatsoever, decided to add that bit. Neelowhatever? Seriously? I'm not a fan of Neelofa, but is it really appropriate to show your disdain for another public figure in such a public platform? No matter how much they hate each other, there are better ways of dealing with things especially when you're in the public eye. Sadly, it did not stop there. Another Twitter user asked TMJ why he hated Neelofa and he replied, “Berangan and hati busuk tak boleh tengok orang senang. Suka menjatuhkan orang. Pretend to be virgin but not. Act all innocent but no. Fake.”

I don't think I have to ulas this issue dengan panjang lebar. I think everyone can see the problem here. The only thing I have to say is that, what gives him the right to announce the state of someone's virginity on a public platform? This is a very big accusation. Forget about being a royalty, sebagai seorang Islam, is he aware of the hukum involved in claiming that another person is not a virgin anymore? The point here is not whether he is right or not in his claim, but the point is what on God's green earth was he hoping to achieve by saying such a thing? Tak suka macam mana sekalipun, perlu ka menulis macam remaja tak habis sekolah? Rasanya budak2 sekolah ja kot yang main campak tuduhan petty macam ni. Some of you might again argue that he's only human. All I can say is bullcrap. Manusia ka alien ka, semua ada code of conduct. Rasanya kita yang bukan keturunan diraja ni pun akan fikir 600 kali sebelum nak type tuduhan sebegitu rupa and post it on Twitter. Apatah lagi seorang anak raja.

The reactions that came after his tweet was what prompted me to write this article. I just can't believe at the amount of approval he was getting for behaving like a spoilt child. Look at the sequence of tweets below.
Someone called Neelofa a jenglot (no idea what this means but I'm guessing it's not good) and he responded with an approval of “bullseye”. Someone said he might get sued, he said “Be My Guest.” etc etc. I find it utterly frustrating that someone who has the power to do so much good, has the power to inspire, instead chooses to behave like a kid. I am particularly disturbed by this one reaction given by one of his many ardent supporters. 
Doesn't this kind of adoration make him realize the power he has over his followers? They idolize him, worship him, love him dearly, and what does he choose to do with it? Inspire them to spread bad information to other people. Regardless of the fact whether Neelofa is still a virgin or not (something which I really honestly don't think anyone cares about), why did he think it appropriate to make such a personal attack on her? If you don't like the person, why can't you say, “Sorry, I'm not a fan. Haven't had the time to watch any of her films/dramas. Maybe one day I will give it a try.” Yang nak kena share your burning hatred with your followers kenapa? Just say tak suka, dah, it ends there.

A few minutes later, my guess is after reading some of the tweets directed at him that slammed his inappropriate behaviour, he posted this string of tweets.

And another thing worth mentioning here is that, he later deleted the “virginity” tweet. If he truly did come to his senses, all I can say is Alhamdulillah. Good for him. Hopefully there'll be no more childish outbursts from him on Twitter. He should take his own advice if he refuses to take the advice from us “haters”. In the last sequence of tweets above, in the midst of all that bad grammar which rendered some of the sentences completely incomprehensible, he did have some good things to say. The only problem is, he's not taking his own advice. My suggestion is, it looks like he really has no handle on Twitter and what is considered appropriate as a public figure with a social-networking account. The right thing to do would be to suspend the account for awhile and forget about reaching out to his followers via social media. Until he learns that “mesra rakyat” does not mean you get to make personal attacks about another public figure just to show that you are a “cool and honest” prince. All it's doing is making a lot of people lose respect in you. In the words of John C. Maxwell, “A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.”


  1. he's the champion of deleting tweets

    1. something he needs to learn. nothing ever gets truly deleted on the internet.

    2. #truestory


  2. Nampak sgtlah Si TMJwhatever ni kureng...segala2ny kurang..yg lebih cuma ego,angkuh dn sombong.tak takut ke tuhan talik balik apa yg kau miliki? Tak pnah jumpa ank raja perangai mcm nie..mulut mengalhkn pompuan.aku rasa dia patut join rancangn gosip mcm galaksi ke propaganza ke..join kiah propa..tak malu dgn pandpt org lain..perangai mcm x skolah...kalau artis sendiri yg hidup dlm dunia glamer dn gossip yg suma org paham lainlah..tupun kbykn artis pandai jaga perangai dn mulut..most of them twit yg sopan2 sj...artis tau!!!!!.tp si prince ni mcm ape tah. Kalau mcm ni EQ dn IQ merangkumi perangainya jauh lebih rendah dr artis2 sedia ada..mana pegi kelas engkau haaa? Tulah pandai sgt cari kwn..jumpa kwn rakus yg HIPOKRIT kau pun ikut sekali ke LAUT!!!

  3. good entry.he shouldnt have tweeted that though...

  4. the royals of johore are always the dumb surprise at all with their level of thinking unlike the royals of perak, n9 and selangor....

  5. maaf kata. saya sbg anak watan Johor, amat malu dgn tindakan dia dlm twitter dia. tak blh jadi contoh anak belia negeri Johor mungkin. sbb cara tweet dia asyik mahu jatuhkan anak bangsa sendiri. patutnya dia sbg bakal ketua takhta, dia kena menyatukan rakyat dia. dia kena bagi contoh yg baik dgn beri ilmu tak pun kata-kata dlm tweet yg mana mungkin menjadi pemangkin kpd anak bangsa dia. anak buah dia. bkn menjatuhkan sesiapa. tak habis-habis buat gimik tau. cari gaduh dgn org. buat org benci org tu dan semacam meminta dia dipuja mcm dia sangatlah baik budi pekerti. tolonglah. jadi ketua, biar adil. jgn yg zalim atau kata lain yg tak terpelajar.
    raja adil raja disembah, raja yg zalim raja disanggah.

    btw, terbaik dari pemblog ni. sbb dah dua kejadian serupa didokumentasikan dlm blog. jgn delete. biarkan je. biar dunia dan manusia tahu kebenarannya. bkn diselindung faktanya. :) terbaik !

    1. ur rite...malu sebagai org islam..& bangsa melayu...raja macm ni kah akan jadi pelindung agama ...pelindung rakyat nnti??? xpecially klau queennya nnti miss ellie ni....x dpt bayangkan hancur punah la intitusi raja johor dimata rakyat....dh x der sape nk hormat waima rakyat johor sndiri...

    2. lebih baek macam singapore takde raja....hanya ada rajaratnam. Dah meninggal pun. Our foreign minister. Heheh....
      Is Fazura a virgin??? Search her pic in internet. Gambar dia with other anak raja. Muka tropah habis!! If not mistaken kerabat Pahang.
      He didnt realise that actually those followers are just provocating him. Made him look stupid by asking him abt Neelofa. They actually bodoh2 kan dia & he layan them. Sangat la bodoh tuanku.....ampun tuanku.

  6. adakah sebab nak jaga hati his Ellie atau Ellie sendiri yang jawabkan on behalf?jengjengjeng....

  7. wahai anak raja yg angkuh...seangkuh2 & sehebat2 firaun pn akhirnya mamposs...dilaknat Tuhan jgk dia..!! tak der manusia yang boleh tongkat langit...!! sedar la diri 2 sikit...!!!

  8. Guys, you dont have to be smart enough to know which words came from "woman" or not. Guy doesnt have so much time for this hanky panky. The words is full of jealousy and all this while i dont think TMJ run his own twitter. You know what I meant kan guyss???? wink winkkkkk..... :)

    1. klau la tweet tu dari gf dia yang bimbo tu...takkan dia tak baca, kan? tkkan dia nak jatuhkan maruah dia macam tu skali...takkan takde siapa dari kerabat dia tegur tweet dia tu?. mmg harap sangat tu bukan tweet dia.. tapi takde penafian smpai sekarang...

      Kesian ..dia dibodohkkan oleh gf dia yang penuh dengan jealousy....

    2. Omg omg omggggg!!! This is a blast!!!!

  9. Meh. Monarchy has long lost its validity and usefulness. Nothing but tax drainage.

  10. Read his tweets n omgosh, im speechless!! from his many pics, one cannot deny he's kinda macho n one of gud looking princes, but why and why he has to stoop so low by showing all his commoners about his huge dislike to a woman, in a very not-so manly words?!! Is 'stupid' or 'bodoh' or 'je****t' his common words? Maybe he js try to be himself n doesnt want to be a hypocrite but does he have to tweet like dat? From chats with few johorean frens, no wonder they prefer his brother better...

    As for Farah, adore your writing :-)

  11. I had a feeling that all the tweets arent from him. He wasnt the one who typed all the bullshits. Hate me, but i think that ellie whatever tweeted on behalf.

    1. U better follow his tweeter dulu baru u tau how he is with tweeter :)

  12. i cant believe this happened twice or thrice within a month. how can he versed "public figure dont have to be hypocrite"? regardless which industry you are, or what rank you are in social status, being well known doesnt mean you have to act according to what people wants to see, but act like a rational, mature person to reflect your well-being as a civilized human. now this lad is going to be a leader, what characteristic have he shown to lead people if leading by all means to a good courses?? to and fro for 100th times about neelofa, enough is enough. have some respect, like we didnt know if fazura any better. i thought a future leader would usually had their eyes on matters more important than this trivial malaysian entertainer? banyak tengok melodi ke dear TMJ? stop being so shallow.

    1. He told in an interview last year before he closed his Twitter account that he wants to stop it beco people are "twisting his words" wow...that's a nice thing to say about your subjects whrn they are telling you tobehave properly for your own sake!!! He is a nice person but I think that he is being influenced by his friends,etc. He must learn to behave if not this will be the down fall of him!!!

  13. Yeah sgt memalukan actually . masa TMJ troll caprice ramai org di pihak TMJ bt when it came to this girl , Neelofa , ramai org marah . rakyat skrg dh bijak :)

  14. dengan perangai macam ni.. aku tak heran akan datang kerabat diraja takkan kebal dek mahkamah dek mulut mcam sampah.. kalau tweet tu mmg dari tmj.aku amat simpati pada ayahanda bondanya dan paling simpati pada rakyat Johor

  15. sebenarnya takdenya aku heran ngan si lofa ni..tapi hanya kerana perempuan bimbo... tmj dah jadik macam orang kurang pelajaran, angkuh... sad to say that....kalau dia kata lofa tu jenglot.. pajura tu lagi la mak segala jenglot...hati busuk... biar la lofa, orang2 angkuh sombong kata ko jenglot.. jangan hati kau sejenglot dema...

    mudah2an tmj dapat hdayah dan bertaubat sebelum terlambat.. orang makin menyampah..

    1. Sy rase bukan tmj yg handle twitter die tpi FAZURA

    2. kalau pun gf dia yang tulih... takkan dia biar je kan? ataupun takde ke kaum kerabat dia tegur tweet dia?? ni diam je takde apa2.. maknanya apa??

      kesian gak kat tmj.... dia patut dapat gf yang boleh bawak dia kearah kebaikan..sama2 muhasabah diri... bukan sama sama menjoyah macam gf dia tu...tak pasal2 dah sama level ngan gf dia..

      mcmana agaknya kalau dia memerintah kalau jadik kawin ngna gf dia tu? jauh beza ngan ayahbonda dia skang....

    3. I rsa sesapa pun jd gf tmj xde bezza nya sbb tmj sendri yg patut berubah, lelaki yg ketua keluarga bkn pompuan

  16. man...all comments are hypocrite...
    its his right to talk how he wants...
    and if its the be it...
    why must be all baik2 so innocent meh?...
    so typical malaysian...ubah la mindset tu skit...

    1. ubah mindset to become accepting of perangai buruk? no thank you. it's ur mindset that needs to change. kalau benda tu salah, ia tetap salah.

    2. oh well, money can't buy class. and he with that Ellie girl whoever it is, suits each other. the blind leading the blind.

    3. Agreed. Money can't buy class.

  17. dont ever think of someone like this becoming the could come to disaster...damnit

  18. Ok what? xla hypocrite. biasa2 je. he just being a normal human. pangkat tuh letak tepi laaa.. mungkin si lopa tuh penah merengek gedik kat die ke ape ke.. dorang je yg tahu kn? kite xtau n x rase.. melepaskan kemarahan tuh normal la.. 95% die cover mulot, tlepas about 5% tuh NORMAL. xkan nak berdaulat tuanku, kesah patik dijunjung tuanku, penat arr!

    1. x payah hypocrite...but be classy n fit being a prince..


      i know u. saffianoprada rite?

      rasenya mcm 100% x cover molot, eh cover jari taip

  19. im not sure if u did any research before posting anything on ur blog, or maybe u are too educated to read any blogs about gossip and celebrities; but, there were stories about how neelofa tried to be close to TMJ, she spread news about TMJ to her friends(something like she has intimate relationship with him.stories about neelofa stealing TMJ from fazura arent uncommon. thats why fazura hate her (sort of). come on, i know u are new to cari forum, but u at least need to read other related thread, then ull find out why ppl hate neelofa. maybe TMJ heard from some1 that neelofa is not virgin, wuteva; but to post that on twitter was stupid, ill admit. i think it is just similar to what rita rudaini and zakuan adha's situation.

    but, it is not wrong for him to hate neelofa. that woman was not just some stranger, of coz she did something to be hated by fazura, TMJ and many other ppl. i dont know, ppl keep saying that in the modern days, his status doesnt matter nmore (maybe not much compared to olden days or he is just a normal human being, but when he behaves like a normal adult living his life like other people at his age, ppl say "hey, u a r a prince so act accordingly"

    so celebrities like fatin afeefa for example that keep mencarut in her twitter all the time are exempted from any bloggers' review just because she isnt a princess? i pretty much sure ppl will say 'hey its her twitter, so let her be'. so y cant we do the same thing to TMJ?

    i blame the one who keep asking stupid questions. do u like caprice? do u like neelofa? come on, is it matter that TMJ like or hate these ppl? who r these ppl anyway? can u guys ask more brilliant question like what is ur plan for johore's future? what do u cho0se gabriel omar instead of malaysian football legend?

    prince dont behave like prince, this is not a new issue to be discussed. ppl will make their own assumption without knowing the whole pictures. if u wanna be fair, y dont u write bout the prince who smacked got smacked in a club at midnight because his girl flirted with another royal family. but hey, who knows bout that right so they only judge things they see with their own eyes.

    i am not a johorean. and im certainly not a TMJ's fan. but i am a fan of her dad's collection of awesome cars. im just tired of ppl trying to make issues form nonsense things lke this. when thai just get bombed, babies get thrown in the river and the future of malaysia is uncertain as PRU is coming.

    1. research ke tak, tiada relevan di sini. kot mana jahat sekalipun neelofa tu, siapa TMJ nak sound pasal virginity dia kat twitter, pada khalayak umum? kalau neelofa tu buat jahat kat dia and ellie dia tu, gi la report polis. of koz this is an issue to be discussed, kalau tak, makin menggila la semua public figure yg buat ikut suka hati. blogger ni tulis tentang issue yg dia namppak, suka hati dia la nak pick and choose issue mana nak diketengahkan. bukannya blog ni utusan melayu or nst or berita harian. ini tempat nak luahkan pendapat. mmg dunia byk masalah, tapi kita tak dpt nak tolong selesaikan masalah semua. setakat mana kita boleh buat, kita buat lah. ko tak baca ke posting lain2 kat blog ni, ada mcm2 issue ok. ada tentang mak bapak kena lebih prihatin supaya anak tak hilang, ada tentang org yg takde common sense. dia ulas issue mcm2. ko tak puas hati nape?

    2. Alaa..nampak sangat ko yg tak puas hati..apelak ko nak cakap orang lain yg tak puas hati..ngok!

  20. Farah, love your writing.

    Apa kata bukak satu topic di mana kita boleh sharing-meng"caring" belajar proper grammar balik? LOL! Pening aku baca komen2 yang ada..


  21. hoho. org melayu ni memang susah nak ditegur. org anonymous kat atas macam nak berdiplomatik. tgk org anonymous kat bawah terus hangin satu badan. tuan punye blog ke? biarla orang luahkan pendapat masing-masing. kalau semua orang nak satu kepala je tak meriah dunia ni.

    org melayu memang macam ni. bila rasa mcm superior sikit terus rasa dunia ni mcm dia yg punya. kalau tak betul kan mendatangkan fitnah tu. haraplah pihak istana pantau twitter beliau. tutuplah terus lebih baik

  22. his elliewhatever will be the fall of him.

    1. just waiting for another update from the boyfriend of ellie that he is seeing another actress and ellie ? what would happend to ellie? another story lah huh!

    2. uhhh kutuk lofa x virgin..Ellie tu virgin sgt kerr...cer suh paparazzi skodeng TMJ and Ellie kat Prince Hotel area Bukit Bintang tu..

  23. TMJ ni pun 1 hal......dah tau diri tu royal,cari la gf yg elok budi pekerti nya,.byk lg la pempuan lain yg baik ,cantik, educated n paling penting background, bukannya pilih artis yg x hbs spm tu,harap muka n tubuh je,artis kan, dgn history dia yg kontroversi dulu,ntah brapa org dah ratah, xkan crown prince craving sgt kut dgn org ni.artis mcm ni xde makna nya,aim diarang mmg target yg kaya2 je,sbb malas keje,nak hidup senang cara ekspres. malu la rakyat johor kalau dpt future queen yg x hbs spm, pakai baju ketiak basah, kaki ada byk duit syiling,if x caya cari 1 of the avon pic.eeeeeeewwww geli aku.....

    1. Wow apa bezanya kau dgn tmj skrg? Mengutuk2 org... Level klass bawahan

    2. So just because dye cantik, body hot n x habis spm so dye tu pempuan jahat ke? Wow! Bill gates uh pown x hbis college dulu kan... jahat nye billionaire tu

  24. tak dpt virginity neelofa lettewwwwww. kakaka.

  25. memang patut TMJ ngan fazura...perempuan yg baik utk lelaki yg baik..premepuan yg jahat utk lelaki yg jahat...

  26. a celebrity shall behave like a celebrity. bad morals and words please hide from the public eyes. be responsible. after all they are a public figure.

    "kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga"

  27. bagus farah.. love your writings.. teruskn mmbongkar apa2 yg patut tu..

  28. OMG! Can't believe that a prince could utter such word! Hmm..artis & kerabat sekrg dah sama2 bimbo. Kawan dgn artis, alamatnya jadi 'sampah' mcm artis jugak. It is not wrong for him to find an actress as a girlfriend tapi cari la yg kelas sikit, bukan yg bimbo mcm this Ellie. Tak kan TMJ tak pernah tau sejarah Fazura ni??

  29. Jangan lupa sejarah Cik Ellie dulu ada kes pukul perempuan yg dikatakan melayan or cuba rampas boifren dia anak bekas MB <>. Perempuan tu pun AXE wife pd seorang menteri juga dah AXE. Kes ni masuk mahkamah a few years ago, tapi nasib menyebelahi Cik Ellie, dia lepas dari tuduhan sbb ada saksi backing dia. In other words, Cik Ellie ni memang dah experienced involved dlm bab2 rampas-merampas ni.

    1. Maaf, pembetulan:
      Perempuan tu pun AXE wife pd ANAK seorang menteri juga dah AXE.

    2. uik... ni bukan akaun TMJ ok.. ape masalah korg ni..pemilik akaun tu akan disiasat oleh pihak polis.. bleh tgk link ni...

    3. AXE = kapak. kapak isteri? anak seorang menteri juga dah kapak? ?????

  30. Harap maklum ya, berkaitan isu TMJ buat report polis tentang akaun twitter yang menyamar sebagai beliau, akaun twitter TMJ ialah HRHJohor2. Posting ini berkaitan dengan tweets yang datang dari HRHJohor2. Akaun menyamar itu ialah HRHJohor dan semenjak 2-3 hari lepas, akaun itu sudah tidak kelihatan lagi di twitter. Harap semua yang membaca posting ini memahami yang ulasan yang saya buat adalah berdasarkan akaun HRHJohor2.

    1. yup. setuju. mereka tak faham mungkin. :) silap pandang dan salah faham. :)

  31. tgk post yg kat ats2 tu.. kutuk habis2an TMJ kesayangan aku.. ceh!.. tak tau ujung pangkal dok ngutuk je yer.. dah akaun palsu, tulis pun nk ngatas je.. korang pun yg kutuk tu kan ke boleh pikir.. seorg ank raja berpendidikan dan berdisplin boleh tulis cam gitu..?? ank Sultan ke ank jati Johor ke insyaAllah boleh pikir dgn rasional dan berckp menggunakan akal dan agama yg tinggi.. harap maklum.

    1. maaf ye saudara, saya jemput saudara buat akaun Twitter dan rujuk balik entri ni. :) sbb komentar saudara ni ada salah faham di sini. :) terima kasih.

    2. "TMJ kesayangan aku"???!!! Amboiiii!! Taksub sungguh dia dgn anak raja dia tu!! Don't ever think semua org yang berpendidikan/berdisiplin tu perfect! He's just human, and make mistakes like the rest of us. The difference is he's a public figure, so apa saja yang dia buat will definitely be scrutinised.

      Best thing he could do, ego permitting of course, is to apologise for his immaturity and learn from his mistake. And quit Twitter, for heaven's sake!

    3. bile mengagungkan manusia jadilah kau syirik kpd Allah

  32. Anonymous Apr 3,2012 06:11PM -

    Maaf saya kurang jelas dengan apa yang awak type, tapi rasanya awak dah salah faham. akaun HRHJohor2 adalah milik Tengku Mahkota Johor. Ulasan di blog ini berdasarkan akaun tersebut. Jadi tidak timbul isu penyamaran di sini. Akaun yang tipu ialah HRHJohor. Dan akaun tersebut sudah tiada lagi di Twitter.

    Akaun yang saya maksudkan di blog saya adalah HRHJohor2. Laporan polis yang dibuat oleh TMJ adalah terhadap akaun HRHJohor.

  33. crown prince of douchebag

  34. huhu so sad... kan best kalu we can vote our king/queen... yeah atleast untuk sesapa yg bakal become raja/permaisuri akan lebih berhati2 on their behaviour....... coz tis is too much >>> memalukan rakyat malaysia & rakyat johor khasnya... coz not only our malaysian knows this but its spread all over d world... sebab tulah dlm islam ada menyatakan pilih lah wanita/isteri dgn sebaik2nya lihat agamanye, lihat keluarga/keturunannya...
    Anyway, congrats TT luv ur writing atleast its an eyeopener 4 me yg x ada twitter acct ni

  35. Too much information for me.. But good writing. Tak berpihak kpd sapa2.

  36. Aku ada raket squasy jenama prince, cane eh?

  37. monarki untuk apa?
    Badut - Badut Istana...

  38. Salam...

    Well u got to excuse him opr making a lot of inappropriate tweets around the wee hours after downing couples of you-know-what. It's an open secret to all Johoreans, if any of you do not know, quote his tweet 'Ask others'.


  39. Hello,

    Ada ambil sedikit info dari blog cik utk artikel di blog saya. Saya ada link ke blog Cik ni


  40. somebody pls check on Ellie bank account.. she got million RM there.. mane dpt tu?? rofl...

  41. kelakar la u allzzz.. hahaha...keep it up.

  42. what a wonderful world...for all people in this lovely world including ME...always remember that actions speaks louder than words.:--sedalok

  43. don't tell me y'all fikir Fazura, on the other hand, IS a virgin??? Mustahil TMJ tak tahu kan sbb sama2 merasa... even before she was with him lagi, when Fazura was hooked up with Bakar (kerabat Pahang) in melbourne.....Yes of course they sleep together, nothing uncommon about that. So it's like...'the pot calling the kettle black'?? What a bloody childish, pompous & useless royal he is.

  44. Woo... takut eden ngan perangai2 deaorg nih.... nauzubillah.... good girl go 2 heaven .... bad girl go everywhere... huhuhu

  45. Neelofa is NOT a bimbo. She has the looks & the brains. For the record, she is a queen top straight A's in every major exam like UPSR, PMR & even SPM. She went to MRSM Langkawi if I'm not mistaken. And then continued her studies in Sunway College major in International Business. Dia boleh je pegi belajar kat overseas. She is an entreprenuer & a trendsetter. She has her own shoes line. She's selling her shoes online. She used to have her own blog. I believed she has deleted her blog, I suppose. Ezlynn the singer even wore Neelofa's shoes for her wedding. The main reason she enters Malaysian showbiz is to market herself as a fashion designer so that people can know her & buy her shoes. She is one smart girl because she is branding herself as a marketing strategy. If you ever watch JANGAN TIDUR LAGI hosted by Adlin Aman Ramli, the crew actually went to her apartment without her knowing and she was busy updating her blog & packing the order for her client where she gets the shoes from China. Her aparment wasn't even fully furnished. She is living on her own even though she was brought up rich. Neelofa ni pon kaya la, her family actually own a restaurant. Her family sume tinggal kat Taman Tun. She doesn't need somebody else's money to succeed in her life unlike Fazura. Mak bapak dia pon kaya. Fazura tu belajar takat SPM je. Wonder what she gets for her SPM? She came from rural province in Pahang. Looked it up on google. Masuk sekolah teknik je kot. And then she went to college ambil fashion and guess what she QUITS. Fazura tu belajar x tinggi tapi ada hati nak bergaul dgn orang kaya dan kerabat raja. Kes nak hidup senang lah ni. Pretty face but no brains. She's such a GOLD DIGGER. Ni nak jadi future queen of Johor? She is no educated woman. Dahlah selalu minum arak, clubbing. I may a little prejudiced but that's the truth. TMJ tu suka Fazura bukan sebab LOVE but LUST. I mean who can't resist a woman who would render herself for FREE? so CHEAP. If you really worth enough for TMJ's love, you wouldn't show your skin for him. Take Lady Zara Salim for example, she's the wife of Raja Dr. Nazrin (Tengku Mahkota Perak). Both of them are highly educated. Zara Salim is University of Nottingham graduate in Engineering meanwhile Raja Dr. Nazrin is a Harvard graduate. They both define as a real and true member of royalty, (someone who we look up to). Fazura has her own boutique House of Doll (not so DOLL). Ever wonder where she gets the capital to set up a boutique? Savings maybe? But that's just half of it. Just look at the boutique itself, it requires like at least 500k, interior and hiring staff? WOW, she must have a good financial background for the bank to approve her loan. As far as I know, she has quits ACTING. She wanted to open another branch for her boutique. Profit pon banyak mana je lah sangat. Neelofa even started her business from below and Fazura x nak kalah. She even dressed like a princess now. Act noble & innocent. How FAKE. I mean if TMJ were nobody, she wouldn't have look at TMJ. He doesn't have the height. He is just one of those really traditional uptight chauvinst type guy, who calls her gf ELLIE instead of BABY who wants her gf to dote on his every word. Rumours has it that TMJ & Fazura are living under one roof. Both of them are not compatible couple. Fazura wants his MONEY only. During NONA's interview, Fazura did mention that choosing the right man is important for her cause she wants a secure life for her childs later. I never liked Fazura. She is actually living the dream, ever watched KAYANGAN? (in the movie she sorta like Kampong girl who don't like the bustling city and in the end she gets to marry the prince just like Cinderella). Awaits for TMJ to dump her & meroyan.

    1. Rumor has it that he did dump her for Neeloya.....not so sure but thats what many were saying(on the internet)

  46. Semua di atas sdg mengutip saki baki dosa2 TMJ, Fazura dan Neelofa. Sekian.

  47. I dont know how i end up here but i had to comment. Dear author, rather than go look mistakes on other ppl, plz look at urself first. I dont know whose right or wrong or whether this is fake or not. Ape yg mereka buat dlm life mereka diantara mereka dan tuhan. Pffftt. Bloggers...

    1. Pffft moron commenters on blogs.....

  48. I agree. Its none of our business n he is only human. We dont knw wat actually went on... maybe she did sumthing thay hurt them or mayb the media made up stories to cause them to fight. Whatever it is we hav no right ro judge or speculate. If we r just adding more sins to ourselves... peace..

  49. If you all do not anything , better jangan sukahati kutuk tmj !!!! You all do not how kind he is.. maybe neelofa had done something bad to him.... so just back off and shut up

    1. Haha, u actually believe an actress could have done 'something bad' to the crown prince? Yeah, he's very kind to comment on someone's virginity in public. Way to go. Btw, u're probably new to this internet thing, but generally, telling ppl to shut up in d cyberspace doesn't quite work.

  50. Kite xblh nk jdge org sesuke hati..sbb kite sndri xtwu ape pnce dan sbb..kdg2 org yg rase dye bijak pndai actully bdh juge jgn mudah mghukum kerna anda bkn tuhan.

  51. aku ase si Ellie tu yg tweet, tgok ayat pun bole tau...ayat org tk puas ati kt neelofa...Tmj nk try neelofa kot..tu yg meroyan....dh gf unye kje,tkkn la nk bgtau smua press,gf yg buat....delete je akaun abis cite...huhu
